Thursday, February 27, 2020

Blog Day Twenty: Test on Greece Part 1

Today in class we had a test. I studied really hard for it for the past two- three nights. I did use a Quizlet, that I made myself, and it really helped. I actually knew the information, instead of just having to memorize question to answer. There were about three questions that I am hesitant on if I made the right choice for the answer or not. My hope is that I did make the right answer, and if I didn't that it doesn't bring my grade below a B. Overall though, I would say I was probably the most prepared I could have been for this test. It just always happens that you don't look or study enough of one thing and there is a question about it on the test. I am very proud of myself for studying and making sure I knew almost all of the material. I am excited to learn more about Greece. It is really interesting to see where the root of our government began. Today will be my last blog of the week because tomorrow I will be on a field trip with the Dance Program.

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