Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Blog Day Eight: Pop Quiz?!

Today in class we took a pop quiz. I am glad I made sure I read everything from the textbook, or else I would not have gotten a good grade. It was only seven questions, which may seem easy but if you get one wrong it is a B. Thankfully I think I got them all correct. Hopefully that pop quiz will help my grade. After discussing the quiz we took notes in the Egypt PowerPoint. Since I was out of class for the last two days, I already took notes on that PowerPoint to insure that I was all caught up with the class. I did take a few more notes, though, while Mr. Schick was talking. I wrote down that the Nile River flows from south to north. Another fact is that the ink that the Egyptians used to write on papyrus was from smashed berries. The final extra note I took was that the Egyptians created the sailboat. It was revolutionary because it was the first type of boat the could go against the current, using the wind. Tomorrow in class we are reviewing for our quiz on Egypt on Thursday.

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