Thursday, February 6, 2020

Blog Day Ten: A Quiz and Notes

Today in class we took a quiz on Egypt. Overall I thought the quiz was easy, but I definitely got a few questions wrong. I hope I did well enough to have earned an A. After the quiz I took notes on Greece from the textbook. Surprisingly, I was able to finish taking notes. Usually I take a long time to take notes, but I think I have finally found a system of taking them efficiently. A few vocabulary words I learned were Mycenaean, Trojan War, Dorian, Homer, epic, and myth. The Mycenaean civilization were Indo-Europeans who settled on Greek mainland around 2000 BC.  The Trojan War was an attack on Troy, once thought to be a myth, by the Mycenaean Civilization, now confirmed to be true. The Dorian civilization were the people who settled into the Mycenaeans territory after their downfall and the Trojan War. Homer was a blind man who told great stories; all his stories were written in a collection called an epic. An epic is a group of narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds. Myths are traditional stories about the Greek gods. Today was our last class of the week, see you on Monday!

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