Monday, February 24, 2020

Blog Day Eighteen: More Notes on Greece

Today in class we took more notes on Ancient Greece. I was absent on Friday, so I sadly missed the pop quiz Mr. Schick had. He let me taking the quiz, in front of the entire class, and I only got one questions wrong. It was the Mycenaeans who ruled from 1600- 1200 BCE. I mainly took the quiz because Mr. Schick said most all of the questions on the pop quiz would be on the test we have this Thursday. I plan on studying really well for this test because I need an A to keep my overall average over a B. Some notes I took today was The Iliad by Homer was the story of the Trojan War and The Odyssey was the story of Odysseus trying to get home after the war, and Poseidon stopping him almost every time. Another thing was the The Dorians, who ruled from 1150-750 BCE brought the Greek world into the Dark Ages. They did this because they didn't write down or record anything, they completely cut themselves off from the rest of the world. Homer takes the Greek world out of this decline in 750-700 BCE by telling and spreading his stories throughout the Greek world. Another thing that I think is important was the in an Aristocracy, the leaders had Symposiums were they made political decisions in a relaxed and party environment. We have one more class until our test and I want to make sure I'm paying attention so I get a good grade on the test this Thursday.

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