Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Blog Day Twelve: Athens vs. Sparta

Today in class we had a sub for Mr. Schick. We took notes on "Warring City-States." This was a longer sections so it basically took me the whole class to take notes and read everything in the book. I am slow at taking notes, so I wasn't surprised when the bell rang and I just finished reading. I took notes about Athens, Sparta, and the Persian War. Some things I wrote down were that each city-state each had their own government. For example, Athens had a democracy, or rule by the people. The men of Athens went to school to learn how to become good citizens of Athens, so they could participate in their government. Men also were the only ones considered citizens in AThens, all other were minorities and didn't count when it came to the government. The women of Athens were taught how to raise a household. Yet, over in Sparta, everyone was told to put Sparta first, even over their own family. Men also went to school in Sparta, but for mainly military purposes, as they were expected to be in the army until they were 60 years old. They boys went to school at 7 years old and stayed until 30 years old when they moved into military. Women also had to train with physical labor. They still had to run the household while the men were gone, but they were considered part of the citizens of Sparta. Overall it was cool to learn about Athens and Sparta and how their societies differed from one another.

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