Thursday, March 5, 2020

Blog Day Twenty- Four: Three Great Philosophers

Today in class we took notes on three great Greek philosophers. The first was Socrates. We talked about him at the beginning of the year, so I didn't take many notes. I did write down that at his trail he described himself as a stinging gadfly tand Athens as a lazy horse. Also, at his trail, he did not deny what he did, instead he asked for "free dinners" because what he was doing was so great, and it was. Socrates was eventually killed by drinking poison hemlock. Now onto the second philosopher, Plato. Plato was a student and follower of Socrates. he wrote out Socrates teachings and described his trial in Apology. Plato also wrote the Republic, which discussed Socrates idea of the ideal state and justice. It was one of the most influential books in philosophy ever written. The next, and final, philosopher was Aristotle. Aristotle was a student of Plato's, in the school Plato made, called the Academy. He fostered the idea that Athens was an intellectual destination for people to meet up and discuss what they know. Aristotle's school, the Lyceum, was focused on cooperation research and building knowledge off of one another. Aristotle also tutored Alexander the Great. That was all we learned about today, I can't wait to learn more about Greece tomorrow.

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