Friday, March 20, 2020

Blog Day Thirty-Two: My Thoughts on Cyber School

Today in (cyber) class we were told to write about cyber school. I choose to wait to do this assignment until I finished all my work today, in order to get a feel for what a full week of work would feel like. Cyber school, just like most things, has its pros and cons. Let us start with the positives. You have a sense of freedom with your schedule. I don't know about other people but, none of my classes require me to be doing my work during the time of the class. Obviously I need to turn in my work before the day ends, but I can choose what classes work I want to do in the order that suits me. Personally, I have been waking up at around 7:30-8 to start working by 8-8:30. I am trying to keep my schedule as normal as possible, with all that is going on. I try to get three classes work done before lunch. Usually I will do them by order of the letter day it is. But not always. For example, I didn't do my gym work this morning because I didn't want to exercise first thing in the morning. After about three classes, I will go out to my kitchen to make myself lunch, usually around 11- 12ish. After lunch I work till about 3-3:30. Like Mr. Schick said, I would rather get all my work done at the start of the day so I could have that night to relax. After I'm done all my book work I would go do my dance or gym assignment. Then I have the rest of the afternoon to do whatever I want to do. A negative about cyber school, is that you have to try and teach yourself something you don't know. For most classes it is easy, but trying to learn a new component of a language is hard to do by yourself. Another con is that you don't get the opportunity to talk or go into discussion about something. We get an email each day about what we need to do and we are supposed to complete that assignment and email the teacher if we have questions. At the beginning of the week I was excited to do cyber school, now I think that by the end of this I will be praying to go back to school. Other than that, I am thankful to be going to a school that is keeping me distracted by learning through this stressful time. And those are my thoughts on cyber school.

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