Monday, March 30, 2020

Blog Day Thirty-Seven: Accountability

Today in (cyber) class we were told to write about the accountability it takes to be online schooled. I think school is all about making connections, friendships, and relationships. Be online schooled, it is hard to keep making more and continue to grow in the connections we had already. As Mr. Schick said, online school is new to us. Sadly, I think it our new normal. It is scary to say that, but this virus is only going to get worse, leaving us to do the only thing we can do, stay at home. I am so thankful to be going to a school that continues to teach us during this time. It takes both the teacher and student to make this work. If the teacher gets lazy and stops putting up work for us to do, the students will be equally as lazy when doing the work. This system takes effort from both sides. Although giving students tests in this type of schooling is difficult, the students need to be putting effort into learning the material and the teacher needs to trust that the students are following the honor system. Yes, I realize that student sharing work is a violation of this honor system, but teachers need to understand that we are just trying to help each other. I don't know about other people, but I try my best not to share my work. If one of my peers has a question or needs help with an assignment, I will do my best to help them, but only help, not give them any of my work word for word. All the things we are learning now are new to us, we all need help from each other and our teachers to make sure we understand and are actually learning something. I think online school is challenging and will change us for better or for worse. I know many of my peers would not mind going the easy way out to get answers to turn in the assignment. I try to hold myself up to a standard and make sure I am learning everything I can, since my parents are paying for me to go to this school. As Mr. Schick said, I want to get my money's worth. Online school also prepares us for college, just as JCS is supposed to do anyways. Online school is getting us used to taking notes and holding ourselves responsible for getting our work turned in on time, like college will eventually ask of us. Overall, accountability requires trust from both sides and is something that we all will learn more of in the next few weeks. 

1 comment:

  1. Izzy, your essay really shows what a good, conscientious, reliable person looks like. You want to be a good person and help your friends when they need it, and you are handling it perfectly. Instead of dictating answers, you are helping them learn, very much like a teaching assistant in a college course would do. Cyber school is not easy for any of us, but students like you are helpful and, frankly, inspiring. Thank you for doing what you do and being who you are.
