Thursday, March 12, 2020

Blog Day Twenty-Eight: COVID-19

Today in class we got new seats. I sit on the side of the room near the windows, a place a have never sat before. I really like my seat because I can see out of the window. After we changed our seats, we had a long talk about the infamous COVID-19. It was a very informational talk and Mr. Schick kind of scared me into caring about the pandemic. At the beginning of this week, I guessed that we would be online schooled by the end of the week. Although we are not being taught online this week, starting next week we will be for the next two weeks. I am very interested in seeing how online schooling plays out. Obviously there will be positives and negatives, but I'm glad that I will be continuing to 'learn' even though I'm at home. I really did learn a lot during our talk today. The most important thing was probably that we can contain this virus. But it will have to take everyone staying home for the virus to stop spreading so fast. There is always going to be people who will want to break the rules, so I am trying to have faith that people will indeed stay home. Overall, I am glad the school is taking the right precautions to this pandemic. This might have been the last class we will have for a while, at least in person, but I will be excited to see what we do in this class for online schooling.

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