Thursday, January 23, 2020

Blog Day Two: From Prehistory to Civilization

Today in class we finished reading the section in our textbook about City- States in Mesopotamia. At least I did, since I am a slow reader and note taker. While I was taking reading and taking notes, Mr. Schick and the class were doing housekeeping and fixing their blogs if needed. After everyone finished reading we started to takes notes from a PowerPoint. The PowerPoint was titled From Prehistory to Civilization. This is indeed a very long span of time that we get to learned about. Some notes that I took were that the earliest prehistoric age was the Paleolithic Age. the next age was the Neolithic Age which is marked by the making of advanced tools. Another thing that I found interesting was that the very first form of writing discovered was called cuneiform. The first ever epic discovered as called the Epic of Gilgamesh. It told about a great flood and how the world came to be. Today was a good second day of Western Civ and I'm looking forward to class tomorrow.

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