Friday, January 24, 2020

Blog Day Three: Mesopotamia and Hammurabi's Code

Today in class we finished taking notes about Mesopotamia. Some notes that I took that I found interesting was that The great Ziggurat of Ur is still in existence. It is a very old building and that fact that people made that by hand so many years ago and it's still standing is just amazing to me. Another fact as that in 2350 B.C. Sumer was conquered by the Akkadians. A while after that the Hittites conquered all their neighbors, and even threatening one of the biggest civilization, Egypt. As a class we also looked up Hammurabi's Code. One of the laws that I shared was that if a child hits his father, his hand shall be cut off. This law shows that there is a major point of respecting your elders in their society. I think it is a little extreme to cut off the kids hand but I guess it was acceptable in their time.

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