Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Blog Day One: First Day of Western Civ

Today was our first class of Western Civilization. I am very thankful that my class is filled with good people and that it is the smaller class of only 13 people. During class mr. Schick told us that the course is going to be half book work and half lecturing. I am looking forward to this method of learning. We did have an assignment to complete on our blog so here it is.
1. For each term, list their significance.
Fertile Crescent- It is a curved shape of land that lies in a desert and its rich soil provides the best farming in all of Southeast Asia.
Mesopotamia- Is a plain in the fertile crescent, The greek meaning for the word is 'land between rivers."
City-State- It functions like its own country, formed by city and the land surrounding it.
Dynasty- Series of rulers from a single family.
Cultural Diffusion- when a new idea or product spreads from one culture to another.
Polytheism- belief in more than one god.
Empire- brings together peoples, nations, or previously independent states under one ruler's control.
Hammurabi- reigned from 1792- 1750 B.C. and has a set of laws named after him.
3. What were three environmental challenges to Sumerians?
     1. Unpredictable flooding, and then little to no rain for months, causing desert conditions.
     2. No natural land barriers, the Sumerians village was defenseless.
     3. Limited natural resources, building materials and necessities were scare.

Today was a good class and I am looking forward to this semester of Western Civ.

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