Monday, January 27, 2020

Blog Day Four: Review for Mesopotamia Quiz

Today in class we reviewed for our 75 point quiz we have on Wednesday. I took a few notes just to be sure I get a good grade on this quiz. I wrote down that the definition of a city- state is a political unit that operates like an independent nation. Also that the Fertile Crescent has good land that allows farming and civilization grew from that ability. Inside the Fertile Crescent is Mesopotamia and that is the land in between the two rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates. The downside to living there is that there is no natural barriers, limited natural resources, and unpredictable flooding and long periods of time without no rain. Speaking of floods, The Epic of Gilgamesh was a story told at that time about a great flood that wiped out everything in Mesopotamia. Another fun fact is that the fertile mud that gets washed away during a flood is called slit. We also watched a very fun video about Mesopotamia. It was a very funny video and it definitely helped to watch to recap what Mesopotamia is. I hope to study my notes to be ready for this quiz on Wednesday. 

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