Friday, May 8, 2020

Blog Day Fifty! My Notes for Rome

Today for class we were asked to take notes from the PowerPoint on Rome. Usually I would write my notes in paragraph from, but today I am going to copy my notes in the same format as I wrote them in my notebook.


  • Foundation Myths of Rome
    • Virgil's Aeneid(Aeneas escapes from Troy)
    • Romulus and Remus
  • Etruscans settled in Rome
    • Came from north-central part of peninsula
    • They were artists, metalworkers, and architects
  • Greeks also settled in Rome
    • They had many colonies around Med. Sea
    • Romans borrowed their ideas
      • Religious beliefs
      • Alphabet
      • Art
      • Military Strategy
  • Latins settled in Rome first
    • Descendants of Indo-Europeans
    • Settled on Tiber's banks
    • Trading Ships(not war fleets) could only travel as far as Rome
    • Had a commercial port(not vulnerable to attack)
    • Built community on One of the seven hills (Palatine)
  • Seven Hills of Rome
    • Capitoline
    • Quirinal
    • Viminal
    • Esquiline
    • Caelian
    • Palatine
      • The hill Romulus choose
    • Aventine
      • The hill Remus choose
  • Rome was near the Tiber river and Ocean/Sea
  • Lots of streams flowed into the Tiber
  • Marshy area- called the Forum
    • Forum was between Palatine and Capitoline hills
  • Tarquin the Proud grandfather built the Cloaca Maxima 
  • Cloaca Maxima
    • Largest ancient drain
    • Channeled water into Tiber River
  • Legend says Washington D.C. was built on a swamp
  • Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
    • Seventh and final king of Rome
    • Known as Tarquinius the Proud/ Arrogant
    • Was a tyrant(both old and modern sense)
Those were my notes from the first eight slides of the Rome PowerPoint. Have a great weekend everyone!

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