Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Blog Day Forty-Five: Rome Vocab Words

Today we were asked to type out the definitions for the chapter we read yesterday. Thankfully I already wrote out these definitions in my notebook yesterday, so all I have to do today is type them out!

Republic- a form of government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders.
Patrician- wealthy landowners who held the most power and leadership roles in the republic, the "1st class citizens."
Plebeian- the farmers, artisans, and merchants that made up most of the population, the "Commoners."
Tribune- assemblies elected by the plebeians to protect the rights of plebeians from unfair acts of patrician officials.
Consul- an official that commanded the army and directed the government, would rule in pairs.
Senate- aristocratic branch in ROme's government that had both legislative and administrative functions in the republic.
Dictator- a leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army.
Legions- made of 5,000 heavily armed infantry and behind was a group of calvary, they were split into smaller groups called centuries.
Punic Wars- Rome vs. Carthage, fought three wars, lasted from 264-146 B.C.E.
Hannibal- a brilliant military strategist who wanted to avenge Carthage's earlier defeat from Rome.

Happy Tuesday!

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